Scientific Paper for Clinical and Academic Affiliate

The Affiliate member on the Clinical Track is required to present one 30–35-minute paper.

The Affiliate member on the Academic track is required to present one 30-35 minutes paper per year of affiliate membership. This means three scientific paper.

1.-The paper will be a carefully documented original study of a clinically or biologically relevant topic.

2.- It should represent the Affiliate’s personal interests, experience and scholarship.

3.- It should not be commercially oriented

4.-The format should be that of a standard scientific journal article and, if appropriate, will be reviewed according to the following criteria listed in the Manuscript Design and Development section of this page.

The Affiliate is encouraged to present a paper suitable for consideration for publication in The Angle Orthodontist. 

Manuscript design and development

The paper shall be original, fully referenced and suitable for consideration for publication in The Angle Orthodontist

The subject will preferably be a research project in which the Affiliate has been personally involved.

If, instead, the topic of the paper is to be a critical, rigorously documented evaluation of a research area, i.e. a new concept of treatment, the Affiliate should request formal approval of the proposed topic from the Academic Credentials Committee (Table 1).

    • A written outline and detailed abstract must be sent to the Chairman of the Academic Credentials Committee by June 1st.
    • The Committee should respond no later than July 1st

The paper must be submitted to the Academic Credentials Committee by November 15th of the year preceding the presentation. The Academic Credentials Committee will preview the paper according to the following guidelines and return it with recommendations by December 15th (Table 1):

a-Relevance of the topic and interest to the membership and the orthodontic community.
b-Adequacy of the literature review
c-Design of the study [soundness of the methodology]
d-Statistical analyses
e-Presentation and discussion of the results
f-Validity of the conclusions
g-Clarity of expression

Each of these factors (a through g) will be rated as either acceptable or unacceptable by the Academic Credentials Committee, and appropriate and timely feedback provided. A written summary will be provided containing comments, suggestions, and finally an overall rating of either “acceptable” or “unacceptable”.

A copy of the final paper must be submitted to the Discusser by January 1st.

The Academic Affiliate shall meet with the Academic Credentials Committee at the beginning of each meeting to discuss the manuscript considering the projected presentation. It is assumed that these comments will serve not only to improve the quality of subsequent papers but will also assist the Affiliate Member in presenting an acceptable oral summary of the current paper to the membership.

If the paper is judged unacceptable by a majority of the Committee, an additional paper will be required.

A member of the Academic Credentials Committee will discuss the results of the Committee’s evaluation with the Affiliate.

The Academic Credentials Committee shall submit a written report to the Executive Committee at the same meeting regarding the quality and acceptability.

The Executive Committee may accept or reject the counsel of the Academic Credentials Committee. They may extend the duration of the Affiliate membership to allow the Affiliate Member time to complete the academic requirements.