Admission Protocol & Overview

“You will meet good [colleagues] and it will put you in touch with the real active, progressive spirit of orthodontia and you will contribute toward making it a success- something that you ought to be willing to make considerable sacrifice and great effort to do.”
Edward Hartley Angle

January 18, 1901

I. Invitation to a Prospective Candidate

You have been invited by a member of Angle East, a component of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists, to attend the next annual meeting as a guest and potential member of the Society. One purpose of this Society is to bring together the most active minds in orthodontics and to challenge all members to participate and to grow intellectually as their orthodontic careers progress. We strive for a mix of clinical and academic capabilities.

The path to membership is rigorous, but rewarding. The process is outlined in this Manual.

There are two paths to membership: A Clinical Track for those members who are primarily in clinical practice and an Academic Track for members who are at least 80% of their time academics.

II. The Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists

The Edward H Angle Society of Orthodontists grew out of a distinguished Angle School alumni organization begun in 1922. The members were dedicated to Dr. Angle’s goals of excellence and progress in the art and science of orthodontics.

In 1930, The Angle Orthodontist was inaugurated by the Society as a means of furthering these aims.  Today, the Angle Society adheres to its founding traditions. Membership, drawn from the entire community of orthodontists, consists of men and women identified as able and willing contributors to the advancement of orthodontics. Orthodontists with these qualities are invited into the membership process at the component level.

The Angle Society is comprised of a National Central Body and seven regional Component Societies. Members are drawn from all over the world. Each Component meets actively for scientific sessions and for fellowship. The seven Components convene every other year for a National Biennial Meeting, providing an opportunity for the entire membership to attend and discuss some of the best orthodontic presentations from that period.

The organizational plan of the Angle Society is as follows:

1.  The Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists, Inc.

a.  Central Body
b.  Angle East component
c.  Angle Midwest component
d.  Angle North Atlantic component
e.  Angle Northern California component
f.  Angle Northwest component
g.  Angle Southern California component
h.  Angle Southwest component

2. The E. H. Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.

a. Publisher of
i.  The Angle Orthodontist
ii. The Angle Newsletter

All Angle Society members hold membership at all three levels of the organizational plan.

1.  One of the Component Societies
2.  The Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists, Inc. [Central Body]
3.  The E. H. Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.

Membership Benefits

  • Annual Angle East Meetings
  • Access to EAHSO Main Site
  • EAHSO Publications
  • Online Resources
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Meeting Registration
  • Online Ballots
  • Meeting Announcements
  • Online Dues Payments
  • Membership Directory
  • Latest News
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Admissions Information
  • Merchandise Shop

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