By Laws
Of the Angle East Component
To access the Bylaws of Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists, see the links Bylaws of EHASO.
The purposes of this Component shall be:
A. To support the purposes of the EHASO as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of that Society.
B. To act as a working unit in carrying out the purposes of the Society and stimulate and encourage the professional efforts of the individual members.
C. To function as a study group and to hold meetings for the advancement of its members in scientific attainment and technical proficiency.
There shall be three classes of membership of this Component:
1. Affiliate;
2. Active (including Active Members & Members-At-Large);
3. Senior (including Senior-Active & Senior-Retired).
a. Affiliate members must subscribe to the purposes of the EHASO and this Component.
b. Affiliate members must be actively engaged in the field of orthodontics.
a. Admission shall be by invitation only, under the procedures specified in the Bylaws of the EHASO as well as the Bylaws and Standing Resolutions of this Component.
The following minimum requirements for Affiliate members are set by the EHASO and ANGLE EAST:
a. The principles and objectives of the EHASO and the Component shall be explained to the member and he/she must subscribe thereto.
b. The minimum period of Affiliate membership shall be two years (3 Annual Meetings).
c. The maximum period of Affiliate membership of shall be four years (5 Annual Meetings), unless extended by the Executive Committee.
d. The Affiliate member shall complete all clinical and academic requirements as outlined in the Standing Resolutions.
e. The Affiliate member shall be expected to attend all meetings except when the Affiliate is a candidate for Active Member-at- Large. In this instance, because of geographic remoteness of the candidate to the meeting place, the Executive Committee may waive or establish special attendance requirements.
a. The primary objective of the Affiliate membership is to provide an opportunity for the attainment of Active membership. The Vice-President along with at least one sponsor shall interview each Affiliate at every meeting to explain the principles, objectives and program of the Society and to counsel the member in the fulfillment of the requirements for membership.
b. Affiliate members shall be privileged to attend all scientific, business (except during Examining Committee report) and social functions of the Component. They may not vote, propose new members, or hold office.
c. Affiliate members are strongly encouraged to attend all Biennial Meetings.
a. Upon completion of all requirements for Active membership to the satisfaction of the Examining Committee, including the fulfillment of all duties of Affiliate members, that Committee shall recommend to the Executive Committee that the candidate be elected to Active membership.
b. Upon unanimous approval of the Executive Committee present and voting, the candidate shall be proposed for membership at a regular business meeting of the Component. Voting shall be by mail or electronic ballot of the voting members with a three-fourths (3/4) vote required for approval.
c. Failing a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee present and voting, the original sponsor may submit the name of the candidate for membership at a meeting of the Component. Voting shall be by mail or electronic ballot of the voting members with a three-fourths (3/4) vote required for approval. Only ballots returned will be counted.
d. Upon the required affirmative vote, the Secretary-Treasurer shall advise the candidate that the membership of the Component has voted to elect him/her to Active membership.
e. All new Active members shall be introduced by their sponsors at the first general membership meeting of the Biennial Meeting.
a. Active members shall continue to subscribe to the purposes of this Society and be actively engaged in the field of orthodontics.
b. Active members shall periodically make a contribution to the profession acceptable to the Examining Committee as prescribed in Standing Resolutions.
c. Active members shall have the right to vote, propose new members, and hold office.
d. Attendance at the entire meeting of the Component is mandatory except under extenuating personal circumstances.
e. A member who cannot attend a regular meeting shall notify the Secretary-Treasurer in writing. The member should state the reasons for not attending, and should indicate whether he/she wishes to be excused from attendance only, in which case the scientific contribution to the meeting will be presented in absentia, or to be excused from both attendance and participation.
f. Unexcused absences are a breach of the member’s obligations, and where considered appropriate by the Executive Committee, the individual may be reprimanded.
a. Active Members-at-Large shall include those persons who are eligible for Regular membership in a Component Society, but who reside and practice outside the geographic boundaries of the existing various Components. More specifically, if the ␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣ location makes it impractical or impossible to meet all the attendance requirements for meetings of the Component or Central Body, but who fulfill all other requirements formembership.
a. Active Members-at-Large shall enjoy the same duties and privileges as Active members but may be granted special meeting attendance requirements by the Executive Committee.
a. Senior status shall be conferred at the discretion of the
Component. To be eligible for such membership the recipient must have been an Active member for twenty-five (25) years or have reached the age of sixty-five (65).
b. Other members who have retired from active practice may be granted Senior membership status upon petition by the Executive Committee to the Board of Directors of the Edward H. Angle Society.
a. There shall be two categories of Senior membership:
1. SENIOR ACTIVE: To include members who are still in active practice, full or part-time and/or engaged in orthodontic education with significant remuneration. They shall pay dues, assessments, and subscribe to the Angle Orthodontist as do Active members.
2. SENIOR RETIRED: To include members who are fully retired from active practice with no significant remuneration from teaching. They shall not pay dues or assessments. They may at their own expense, subscribe to the Angle Orthodontist.
a. Recommendations for Senior membership must be initiated by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, present and voting, which shall report its recommendations at a regular business meeting. Voting shall be at a subsequent regular business meeting, with a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the voting members, present and voting.
a. Senior members may attend scientific sessions, taking part if asked or if they desire, but are not otherwise obligated to do so. Senior members shall have the right to vote and hold office and to propose new members as second sponsors.
a. Active members may transfer between components and be accepted without having to meet new requirements upon approval of the Executive Committee. Affiliate Members will have to meet all requirements of their new component upon transfer. The Component may not accept more than two applicants for membership from outside the component’s geographical area in a given year. The following conditions must be met:
1. The member must obtain written permission of the Executive Committee, through the secretary, of the Component Society from which he/she wishes to transfer.
2. The member must obtain written approval of the Executive Committee, through the secretary, of the Component to which he/she wishes to transfer.
3. The member must receive approval of a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of a mail or electronic ballot of all voting members of the Component to which he/she wishes to transfer.
4. A member who moves his/her practice into the territory of a Component other than that in which he/she holds membership, may retain his/her existing membership or may seek membership in the Component into whose territory he/she has moved.
a. Membership may be terminated voluntarily for any reason.
b. A resignation may be submitted to the Executive Committee through the Secretary at any time. Such resignations shall be presented to the membership, with recommendations, at the next regular business meeting.
a. Membership may be involuntarily terminated for failure to conform to the Bylaws of this Component or for conduct detrimental to this Component or the profession of dentistry.
b. Membership may be involuntarily terminated for failure to attend two (2) consecutive meetings of the Component and for failure to fulfill requirements at two consecutive meetings of this Component without having been excused by the Executive Committee.
c. Involuntary termination of membership shall be initiated by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Committee to the membership at a regular business meeting. Such recommendation shall not be made to the membership until the member has been given written notification of the charges and afforded a reasonable opportunity to appear before the Executive Committee in his/her own behalf. He/she shall also, if desired, be given a reasonable opportunity to appear before the membership in their own behalf. A three-fourths (3/4) mail or electronic vote of the voting membership is required.
d. Involuntary termination of membership shall not become effective until the requirements of Chapter XII, Judicial Procedure, of the Bylaws of the Edward H. Angle Society have been met.
1. The Officers of this Component shall be the President, President- Elect, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer (when one exists), Editor, Director and the Historian.
a. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, to make appointments, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, to all committees as prescribed in these Bylaws and Standing Resolutions, to serve as Chair of the Executive Committee, and to assume all other duties that pertain to this office by custom.
a. It shall be the duty of the President-Elect to assist the President in the performance of his/her duties and be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
b. He/she shall succeed to the office of President at the conclusion of the annual meeting following the one at which he/she is elected.
c. He/she shall serve as the Chair of the Program Committee and be responsible for the written meeting program.
d. He/she shall track and record the progress of all affiliate members in accordance with the Program Point System as defined in the Standing Resolutions.
a. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to act as President whenever the President is unable to serve.
b. He/she shall interview and counsel Affiliate members as directed in these Bylaws.
c. He/she shall serve as Vice-Chairperson of the Program Committee.
d. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of the Examining Committee.
a. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to maintain all records and conduct the correspondence of the Component.
b. He/she shall establish the pro-rata share of all expenses incurred by the Component, collect and pay these obligations.
c. He/she shall keep a permanent record of membership attendance at all meetings.
d. He/she shall perform all duties incidental to the office and have such other duties and exercise such authority as may be delegated by the President or the Executive Committee.
a. An Assistant Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected at the end of the second year of the Secretary-Treasurer’s three-year term.
b. He/she shall understudy and assist the Secretary- Treasurer.
a. It shall be the duty of the Editor to report information of interest to the Component membership and to submit items of interest to the Society to the Editor-in-Chief of The Angle Newsletter or The Angle Orthodontist, as appropriate, for publication.
b. He/she shall act as an agent of the Editorial Board of The Angle Orthodontist in obtaining contributions for publication.
a. It shall be the duty of the Director to represent Angle East on the Board of Directors of the EHASO.
b. The Director, as well as the Secretary-Treasurer, shall be empowered to dispense the funds of the Component.
a. The President shall appoint an Historian with the approval of the Executive Committee.
b. It shall be the duty of the Historian to preserve and maintain all documents and records of the Society which, in his/her judgment, will be of historical significance.
c. The term of office shall be concurrent with the President. There shall be no limit to the number of terms served.
d. He/she shall be a member of the Executive Committee.
1. During the Annual Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall place in nomination a slate of officers at the first regular business meeting for election at the second regular business meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor at either meeting.
2. The term of each officer except the Secretary-Treasurer and the Director shall be for one year.
3. The term of the Secretary-Treasurer shall be for three years unless extended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership.
4. The term of office of the Director shall be seven years. The Director may not succeed him/herself. He/she shall be elected the year after hosting the National Biennial Meeting of the Central Body. (2015, 2022, 2029 etc.)
5. The Editor may serve consecutive terms. There shall be no limit to the number of terms served.
6. All officers shall serve until their successor is elected.
7. All terms of office shall commence at the end of the meeting at which elected.
8. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee for the unexpired term.
1. There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of the three available most recent Past-Presidents. The member who served the earliest term as president shall serve as Chairperson.
2. The Committee shall submit a slate of officers to the membership as directed in these Bylaws.
3. When practical, they shall maintain continuity by advancing the officers consecutively.
1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, President- Elect, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Editor, Historian, Director, the three available most recent Past-Presidents, and the Chairpersons of the Bylaws, Membership, Examining, and Academic Credentials Committees.
2. The Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, when one exists, shall be an ex- officio member of the Committee without a vote.
3. It will be the duty of the Executive Committee to act as an ad-interim managing body in conducting the business of the Component. All actions of the Executive Committee shall be reported for approval to the membership at the next business meeting.
4. The Committee shall be responsible for all matters dealing with membership and other matters as specified in these Bylaws.
1. There shall be an Examining Committee consisting of sufficient members, one to be appointed each year at the annual meeting to serve for five years. The senior member shall be chair. A member may serve consecutive terms.
2. In addition, the Vice-President and outgoing exam committee chair shall serve as ex-officio members of this committee.
3. As necessary, the President with the approval of the Executive Committee may appoint consultants to assist the Committee in its work.
4. The Committee shall submit an annual written report to the membership.
5. This Committee shall conduct and supervise examinations of Affiliate members as prescribed by the Component in these By-laws and Standing Resolutions to ascertain their qualifications for regular membership. On the basis of such examinations and such other information as may be deemed pertinent, this Committee shall make recommendations for extension of Affiliate membership and advancement to Active membership to the Executive Committee.
6. There shall be a Subcommittee of the Examining Committee named the Academic Credentials Committee. Its composition, function, and duties shall be listed in the standing Resolutions of this Component. The chair of the Academic Credentials Committee shall be a member of, or consultant to, the Examining Committee.
1. There shall be a Program Committee consisting of the President- Elect, who shall be the Chair, the Vice-President, who shall be Vice- Chair and any other members appointed by the President.
2. The Committee shall plan and supervise the program, provide arrangements for the meeting, make assignments and report to the Secretary-Treasurer for publicity.
1. There shall be a Bylaws Committee consisting of a Chair and two other members. Each year, one member shall be appointed for a three-year term. Usually, the senior member will be Chair. The Parliamentarian, if appointed, shall serve as an ex officio member
2. The Committee shall update the Bylaws and Standing Resolutions, advise the membership of the appropriate wording for all proposed amendments and initiate appropriate amendments to the Bylaws.
3. The President may appoint a member as Parliamentarian to the Component who will advise on all matters pertaining to the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Resolutions of the Society and the Component.
1. The President shall appoint an Awards Committee. The Committee shall consist of three (3) members who shall serve a three-year term to provide continuity. Members shall not serve more than one consecutive three-year term. The senior member shall serve as Chairman.
2. The Committee shall be charged with providing the recommendation of award candidates to the Angle East Executive Committee including but not limited to the following:
a. THE HARVEY PECK MEMORIAL AWARD: This is the Components most prestigious award and shall be presented at the discretion of the Executive Committee in recognition of exemplary achievement in the pursuit of excellence in Orthodontics. The recipient need not be an orthodontist but if so, must be a member of the Angle Society. The Harvey Peck Memorial Award Fund may be utilized as the financial resource of the award as a certificate, stipend, or other appropriate form of recognition.
b. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD: This award shall be conferred on a member in recognition for meritorious service to the Angle Society and Angle East. The award consists of an inscribed Paul Revere Bowl and shall be presented to the honoree at the banquet of the Annual Meeting.
c. THE BARNEY SWAIN AWARD: The Chair of the Awards Committee shall also be responsible for awarding an inscribed plaque to the individual selected by membership vote for the presentation of the best paper at the previous Annual Meeting of Angle East.
3. The Awards Committee shall notify the Secretary-Treasurer of its award recommendations by written correspondence no later than November 1st preceding the next annual meeting. The Secretary- Treasurer shall immediately notify the President and the Executive Committee for approval of the recommendations so that presentation of the awards may be accomplished.
4. Recipients of the awards as specified above will be listed in the Annual Meeting Program.
5. The Process of preparing awards by the Awards Committee is outlined in the Standing Resolutions.
1. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee and the membership, may appoint Special Committees as deemed necessary.
2. No member may serve more than one consecutive term on a Committee unless allowed in these Bylaws and Standing Resolutions.
1. The Component shall hold at least one meeting each year.
2. The Executive Committee shall recommend the time and place of meetings to the membership for their approval.
3. A quorum for a meeting is twenty-five percent (25%) of the Active members.
4. In the event of a mail or electronic ballot, only ballots returned will be counted.. This notice must accompany each mail or electronic ballot.
1. All Active, Affiliate, and Senior-Active members.
2. Any Active Members-at-Large and Senior-Retired members in attendance.
3. Guests at a rate of 50% of those annual expenses assessed to Active, Affiliate, and Senior Active members.
B. Expenses incidental to the administration of the Component shall be assessed with meeting expenses.
C. Any member who has suffered severe financial hardship due to catastrophe, illness or has been activated for military reserve duty may request a waiver of meeting expenses. This request must be received in writing by the Secretary-Treasurer and subsequently approved by majority vote of the Executive Committee.
A. This Component may establish Standing Resolutions by majority vote which shall contain its Policies, Procedures and Special Rules. These may be amended without notice and shall be recorded and attached to these Bylaws.
B. Failing a sufficient number of members present at the meeting, a mail or electronic ballot of the entire voting membership shall be required for passage.
C. These bylaws may be amended by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the voting members present and voting at any business meeting during an Annual Session provided the proposed amendments have been presented at a previous business meeting at the same session. Such an affirmative vote must constitute more than half the total voting membership.

Edward H. Angle
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