The present Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists (EHASO) was inaugurated in Chicago on November 17, 1930, a little over three months after the death of Dr. Angle, the cherished mentor of all 46 orthodontists who signed its charter. Importantly, the charter allowed new members to be drawn from those orthodontists who were dedicated to goals of professional excellence and progress, regardless of whether or not they studied with Dr. Angle. The Angle Society was composed initially of four geographic Components: Eastern, Midwestern, Northern California and Southern California. Each Component was meant to be a self-standing organization, yet sharing close identity and missions with each other. At least once every two years, the Components would join together for a Biennial meeting to share and discuss some of the most important orthodontic advances and issues from that period.
In the early years of the Eastern Component (now known as Angle East), the founding father and guiding light was Dr. Robert H. W. Strang of Bridgeport. Connecticut, an illustrious graduate of the Angle School of Orthodontia in St. Louis, Class of 1906. In the 1930s, the group had around 15 members and met one or two times a year, spring and fall, for a Regular two-day meeting in Bridgeport at Dr. Strang’s Post Graduate School of Orthodontia. A typical meeting consisted of clinical papers, case reports, reviews of the literature, lectures, discussions and quizzes on basic science, with one of the days at least involving technical bench work and appliance exercises in the rooms of Dr. Strang’s school. The meetings were intense and fraternal; the work usually extended into the evening. As Dr. Helen A. Gough, the Eastern Component’s Secretary from 1931 to 1939, said in one of her reports, ”Each member attending these meetings goes away feeling the friendly good fellowship of the Group and carries with him a new enthusiasm and stimulation to strive toward that ever elusive Ideal in his thinking and working.”
Today, Angle East hosts a stellar scientific meeting each spring, featuring presentations, studies and discussions from its distinguished membership of approximately 80 orthodontists, who also enjoy the Angle Society’s traditions of warm fellowship and shared values.

Edward H. Angle
Some Angle East Benefits
- Annual Angle East Meetings
- Access to EAHSO Main Site
- EAHSO Publications
- Online Resources
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Registration
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- Online Dues Payments
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