Process and Categories of Membership


The process of membership in Angle East, a component of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists, begins with an invitation to a prospective member to attend the annual meeting as a Guest. Two Active members, or one Active and one Senior member, must sponsor the invitee. If the invitee chooses to continue with the process after the annual meeting and the membership elects to further invite him/her to do so, the invitee shall become an Affiliate Member. Having satisfactorily completed the requirements of an affiliate member, he/she shall be offered to the membership for election to Active membership.

The process, duties, and privileges of each stage of membership are outlined below. The details of the process are contained in the Bylaws and Standing Resolutions of Angle East.

1. Guests

1.1. Nomination acceptance

1.1.1-i. A member sponsor initiates the process of membership. The sponsor requests a Nomination Acceptance Form from the Secretary of the Component and forwards the form to the proposed guest with the sponsor’s invitation along with instructions. The guest completes the form and returns it along with all other requested materials to the sponsor. On the appropriate form the sponsor and co-sponsor assure the Secretary that they understand the duties of sponsorship as outlined in the Bylaws and Standing Resolutions and are prepared to comply with them. The Nomination Acceptance form, sponsor commitment form, and all requested materials are returned to the Secretary by the sponsor at least 120 days prior to the annual meeting.

1.1.2-. The Secretary shall forward the Nomination Acceptance Form and the biographical data of all the proposed guests to the Executive Committee not later than 90 days prior to the annual meeting along with a mail ballot, which is to be returned no later than 75 days prior to the meeting.

1.1.3- For a nominee to become a Guest, the proposed nominee must receive an affirmative vote of the Executive Committee.

2. Duties and Privileges of the Guest

2.1- The Guest shall attend all scientific and social functions of the meeting.

2.2-. The Guest shall not attend the business meetings.

2.3- The Guest shall complete the presentation requirements as described below.

2.4- The Guest shall be assessed 50% of the charges assessed to the Active Members.

3. Election to Affiliate Membership

3.1- If the qualifications and subsequent presentation of the Guest are acceptable to the Examining Committee and/or the Academic Credentials Committee, the appropriate chairperson shall recommend to the Executive Committee that the Guest be placed on the List of Proposed Candidates for Affiliate Membership.

3.2- As openings for Active Members become available, the Executive Committee may propose the name of one or more candidates from the List of Proposed Affiliate Members to the membership. This action requires the unanimous approval of the Executive Committee after reviewing the candidate’s Nomination Acceptance Form, the recommendation of the Examining Committee and/or Academic Credentials Committee. Failing a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee present and voting, the original sponsor may submit the name of a candidate to the membership at a Regular meeting of the Component.

3.3- Upon a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of a mail ballot of the members eligible to vote, the candidate shall be notified of his/her election to Affiliate Membership.

2. Affiliate Members

2.1- Duties and Privileges of Affiliate Members

2.1.1- Affiliate Members must subscribe to the principles and objectives of the Angle Society as listed in the Bylaws and Standing Resolutions of Angle East and the National Central Body.

2.1.2- Affiliate Members must be actively engaged in the specialty of orthodontics.

2.1.3- Affiliate members are expected to attend all functions of all meetings of Angle East; however the Affiliate Member will not attend reports of the Examining Committee or the Academic Credentials Committee, nor are they eligible to vote, hold office, or propose new members. Executive Committee may waive or establish special attendance requirements for Affiliates who are candidates for Active Members-at-large.

2.1.4-To proceed to Active Membership, the Affiliate Member shall complete the clinical and academic requirements to satisfy the standards of Angle East as described below.

2.2. The minimum period of Affiliate Membership is two years.

The maximum period is four years unless extended by the Executive Committee.

3- Election to Active Membership

3.1-Upon completion of all requirements for Active membership to the satisfaction of the Examining Committee, including the fulfillment of all duties of Affiliate members, that Committee shall recommend to the Executive Committee that the candidate be elected to Active membership.

3.2- Upon unanimous approval of the Executive Committee present and voting, the candidate shall be proposed for membership at a regular business meeting of the Component. Voting shall be by mail ballot of the voting members with a three-fourths (3/4) vote required for his/her approval.

3.3-  Failing a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee present and voting, the original sponsor may submit the name of the candidate for membership at a meeting of the Component. Voting shall be by mail ballot of the voting members with a three-fourths (3/4) vote required for approval.

3.4- Upon the required affirmative vote, the Secretary-Treasurer shall advise the candidate that the membership of the Component has voted to elect him/her to Active membership.

3. Active Members

3.1 Duties and Privileges of Active Members

3.1.1- Active members shall continue to subscribe to the purposes of the Society and be actively engaged in the specialty of orthodontics.

3.1.2-They shall have the right to vote, hold office, and propose new members.

3.1.3- Attendance at the Annual meeting in its entirety is obligatory except under extraordinary circumstances. A member who cannot attend a Regular meeting must notify the Secretary-Treasurer in writing. He/she should state the reasons for not attending and should indicate whether he/she wishes to be excused from attendance only [in which case his/her scientific contribution to the meeting shall be presented in absentia] or to be excused from both attendance and participation. Unexcused absences are a breach of the individual’s obligations, and where considered appropriate by the Executive Committee, the individual may be reprimanded. Two consecutive unexcused absences automatically terminate an individual’s membership.

3.4 Active members are required to make contributions to the profession acceptable to the membership in accordance with the directives of the Bylaws and the Program Point System as defined in the Standing Resolutions.

Each year following the Annual Meeting, the Angle point standings shall be recalculated and the new totals printed in the program of the next meeting.
The object of each active member is to maintain a positive score. A low or negative score indicates that the member needs to make some type of contribution.


Present an original Paper for the Component (20 minutes or longer)….3
Present a paper at a Biennial meeting                                                ….3
Publish a Paper in the Angle Orthodontist  (***)                                  ….3
Publish a paper in another refereed Journal (***)                                ….2
Present a discussion of a paper at a component or Biennial Meeting…..1
All other presentation approved by the Program Chair                       …..1
Annual point deduction                                                                        ….-1

*Each Active and Active member-at-large must present an original paper at least once every 5 years.
Amended 2010: The secretary treasurer has the paper presentation suspended during his/her term in office.
** Each Affiliate member must present an original paper to the Component to be eligible for election to Active membership
*** For papers published or presented with more than one Eastern Component author, the authors must indicate how the Angle contribution point credit is to be proportioned and recorded.

Each year, one point is subtracted from each Active Member’s point total (whether in attendance or not). Senior members have no obligation to make presentations and are therefore exempt from the Angle Program Point.

The maximum total points that can be recorded is limited to 6. In setting up each year’s scientific program, the Program Committee will contact those Active Members who are low in point accumulation. A point level of (-) 1 requires a scientific program contribution by the active member. A point score of (-) 3 will trigger the executive committee inquiry, jeopardizing continued membership.

This point system resolution will be subject to re-evaluation by a special committee appointed by the President (March 1993).

The terms of this resolution are subject to the provision contained by the bylaws where applicable.

The Secretary-Treasurer will receive a credit of one point each year in office. All other officers will serve without point credit.

3.4.1 Active Members may desire to present an outline of their paper to the Academic Credentials Committee by October 1st in the year preceding the meeting. The Academic Credentials Committee shall offer guidelines and suggestions for the paper.

4. Active Members-at-Large

4.1-  Active Members-at-large shall include those who are eligible for Active Membership in the component but who reside and practice outside the geographic boundaries of the existing various Components and which location makes it impractical or impossible to meet the attendance requirements for the meetings of the Component.

4.2- Duties and Privileges of Active Members-at-large

4.2.1- Active Members-at-large have the same duties and privileges of Active Members and are subject to the Bylaws and the Program Point System as defined in the Standing Resolutions.

4.2.2- The Executive Committee may modify the attendance requirements for Active Members-at-large.